Exactly what is a CTR?
Amazon Connect creates a "contact trace record" with a unique "contact ID" for each phone call in or out of the contact center. Older legacy telephone folks would call this a SMDR or CDR (station message detail record or call detail record) but Amazon calls it a CTR. The end result is the same, it is a record of the details of every call made or received into the system. From within Amazon Connect you can search for these contact records through the dashboard in 14 day increments and review the details of each record. Amazon keeps the CTRs for 24 months in a secret location that you can not access and for which no API currently exists! You have two options: First, search for them using the dashboard in 14 day increments or setup a kinesis stream and a consumer to send CTR records to an S3 bucket or some other data lake for later review. The basic CTR is ugly but it does have a great deal of useful data and all the more reason to make it more easily accessible! Even if you were to save the CTR records you would then need to write a custom report generator to take this data and make it human readable to fit your reporting goals!
Dextr has an Activity screen that captures all of this information and makes it available in human readable format!