The Dextr Dashboard for Amazon Connect Agents has added email routing to its existing voice and SMS/MMS channels. Similar to a voice call, an incoming email message is routed to the next available in the queue assigned for email. Dextr will collect emails, provide auto responders. The email is “sticky” and the email conversation will stay with the first Agent to respond to the email until the conversation is ended. Similar to the Dextr SMS channel, if the original agent is not available to handle the follow on conversations, the entire conversation will be forwarded to the next available agent.
Setup is easy, in the Channels tab of a Dextr user with Administrator permissions, simply enter the appropriate email user, password, imap and smtp host address! Then configure the queue that should be the target of an inbound email along with the initial email auto responder and the end of conversation auto responder. Multiple emails can be established and can point to different customer service queues!
Email setup and queue selection!
Agents can manage email and voice calls depending on the permissions and queue assignments. Creating an email named can be routed to the customer service team. Email is an asynchronous yet powerful customer tools and many folks prefer it to waiting on hold for the next available agent! When an incoming email is routed to an available agent, they accept the mail exactly as they do a voice or sms call. Opening the ENGAGE EMAIL tab displays the content of the incoming email. As the email conversations ping pongs back and forth, the agent will see the entire email conversation in the ENGAGE portal.

The Agent will find the accepted email in the email client registered for that agent’s email box. The agent will then respond to the email and Dextr will assure that the recipient of the email sees that it is from the address of the origitanl email TO: filed. There is a button to END the conversation and when clicked, the final auto responder defined during the email channel setup, is sent to the author of the original incoming email. (Those familiar with ShoreTel ECC routing will be very comfortable with this email implementation which has the additional benefit of being “sticky”. If the agent who originally responded to the incoming email is unavailable, the entire email conversation is forwarded to the next available agent for follow up.
Dextr email routing is a bundled feature in your subscription and you should give it a try! Price is what you pay, value is what you receive.