website to enable you to immediately setup a text based marketing campaign! You can create an account at our TEXT PORTAL and select a phone number for your campaign and be in the digital marketing world in minutes. We give you free SMS credits when you activate your account! Interested in extending this capability to your Contact Center? We can implement text functionality to your ShoreTel Contact Center or CISCO UCCX in a matter of hours!
Contact or send the word CALLME to 603-426-3253 for sample application! If you would like to test T2E (Text to Email) text your email address to the same number and we will set you up. - DrVoIP
Phone only 'call centers' have been rapidly replaced with 'contact centers' that can also handle email and chat communications. Customers want more options for interacting with companies they buy products and services from. Chat requires the customer to be at a computer and though email may be sent from a mobile phone, generally the sender is at a desktop. In a wireless world in which every man, woman and child seems to wonder around with a 'text' or sms enabled device on their person, does it not make sense that they would want to text your call center?
Most call centers seem to be comfortable adding more and more incoming telephone lines, but never seem to add more agents? We now queue up more clients to the same number of agents and expect that our customer satisfaction scores will increase with each new telephone line we add. Chat and email increase the options that an agent can use to communicate with a customer, but only text offers location independent immediacy and the highest level of accuracy in CRM integrations.
A text will be read, on the average, within 10 seconds of its arrival. It has a significantly higher read rate than email. It is considered spam free, as you must opt in from you own mobile phone to receive future text messages. As most folks under 30 do not even have a land line, using the CID of a SMS text will yield a much higher accuracy rate when doing screen pops from CRM integrations. Self Service options for SMS are enormous and scheduling an agent call back could not be any easier!
What would you rather do: call into a contact center, listen to the obligatory menu of options, self navigate to the customer service group and then hear the first queue message: "the next available agent will be with you momentarily"; or send a SMS text message directly to the contact center group, by passing the automated attendant and if you do not receive an immediate call back, receiving a confirmation text that an agent will call you at your mobile number in four minutes?
We have created a
Can I text your Enterprise Contact Center?
February 6th, 2015
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