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ShoreTel and CISCO are now virtualized!
Virtualization of core communications servers is now the best way to assure redundancy, high availability, business continuity and disaster recovery. If your ShoreTel deployment is not yet virtualized, then you are putting your company at unnecessary risk! Let us show you how to increase the utilization of your existing hardware while reducing cost and maximizing security, using the VMware VSphere solutions![/col][/row]
CISCO Collaboration is now only available in a Virtualized environment!
Why do you think that is? Because it is the most cost effective and reliable way to provide high availability to your core communications assets. Regardless of where you locate your hardware (see cloud solutions), the use of virtualization technology is an essential element in business communications!
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What we provide
- VoIP Migrations to VSphere ecosystem!
- ESXi design, configuration and management.
- On Demand Techncial Support and problem Resolution.
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Are you ready to virtualize your network?
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