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Amazon Connect - Can Agents log in and out of individual Queues?
Agents in Multiple Queues One of the more requested features among call center managers is to freely move Agents in [...]
What your home WiFi and Smartphone are telling the entire planet!
Geo-location Wifi databases? How many of you are aware that there are maps, accessible to the public that show your [...]
Amazon Connect & Dextr now support Chat
Dextr Website Chat Integration The ability to integrate your Company Website with your call center is a powerful customer experience [...]
Amazon Connect Deep Call Back Option! - a lesson in Contact Attributes
The Call Back Dilemma ! It is now common place to hear an option while you are on hold in [...]
Amazon Connect - A Voice Mail Solution!
What no Voice Mail? One of the surprises you get when working with Amazon Connect is the fact that, out [...]
Amazon Connect - Is today a Holiday?
Is Today A Holiday? Having deployed hundreds of CISCO UCCX and ShoreTel ECC and other Contact Centers, checking to see [...]
DrVoIP Amazon Connect Tech Tip - LEX Bot Versions!
Well, it is the 21st century and though we still drag around fax machines, we do seem to be getting [...]
Facebook Marketplace Ebay Scam!
The Famous Facebook Marketplace Scam! It seems that some folks on the planet have nothing better to do than figure [...]
Amazon Connect Tips, Tricks and Trouble Shooting!
What no Delete for Contact Flows? One of the first discoveries you will make while configuring contact flows is that [...]
A Call Center for Cheap, Penny Pinching, Tightwads on a budget!
We Design, Deploy, Service and Customize Amazon Connect! Since 2008 DrVoIP had been working  in the support of VoIP based [...]
Amazon Connect Email Routing using Dextr.Cloud
The Dextr Dashboard for Amazon Connect Agents has added email routing to its existing voice and SMS/MMS channels.   Similar to [...]
Enhance your ShoreTel ECC with Speech Recognition & Chat Bots!
Press 1 for English! Two characteristics of telecom technology in the 21st century continue to not make sense to us.  [...]
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