Dextr configures Amazon Connect Voice Call Recording by individual State Law!

To record or not to record, that is the question

It is very common to call into a contact center and he the warning message “You phone call may be recorded to improve customer service”.   Sometimes you might even hear “Press 1 if you do not want your call recorded”.    Each of the States has a law governing the recording of telephone calls.  In some states, only one party in the conversation must consent to recording.  In other states, both parties must consent to the recording.

One-Party Consent States

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, District of Columbia, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Main, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.

All-Party Consent States

These states clearly or potentially require consent from all parties under some or all circumstances:

California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oregon, Pennsylvania,  Vermont, Washington

Note that in many states, consent requirements only apply in situations where the parties have a reasonable expectation of privacy (e.g. not in a public place). Further, what constitutes “consent” in a given jurisdiction can vary in terms of whether it must be express or can be implied based on the circumstances.

When and How to Control Contact Center Recordings?

Dextr will compare each incoming phone number, extract the area code and map the area code to the State that matches that area code.  Based on the state law, Dextr will reconfigure your recording to either be “Agent only” or “Agent and Customer”.  You have the option of playing  prompt to the caller that indicates the status of your recording.  This option can easily be applied to both inbound phone calls and outbound phone calls!

Save 80% on Amazon Connect Design and Deployments

We build Amazon Connect Call Centers, Chat Bots and Speech Recognition based customer experience management solutions.  We do this for a fixed price, on time and on budget using Dextr the omni-channel wrapper for Amazon Connect.  Dextr enables you to significantly reduce the cost of design and deployment!  Give us a call at 800-946-6127 or email us at – DrVoIP




Amazon Connect Historical Reporting using Dextr Flex!

Real time or Historical Report?

If you think about reporting there is a fine line that separates a “real time” display from a “historical” record.   It would also be wise to say “near real time” as even the mechanic of displaying data takes some small amount of time.   So then, where is the line that separates realtime from historical?   The answer for Dextr Flex, is the time stamp issued when the call is terminated.

Below we describe both the revised Activity Reporting and the recently released “historical reporting” with video presentations of both.

Dextr Flex  Historical Reporting

Dextr Flex offers a fully featured Historical Reporting Engine complete with Scheduling, Exporting and Delivery Options.  Reporting has a range of canned options for date ranges and enables custom reporting ranges.  You can schedule reports once created to run daily, weekly or monthly.  Exporting can be CVS files that can be imported into most other data manipulation tools including Excel and Numbers.   Delivery options include email with PDF attachments.

Report Creation and Options

Creating a new report enables setting a name for your report and the choosing the date range, the queue and the channels (voice, sms, email, chat, announcements),  The reporting engine contains a custom “query” language, but there are a range of pre-configured search criteria that you can select for your report to include.  Generally you will select a channel, one or all channels, a date range and then apply your report filters.

Report Summary and “eye candy”

Dextr Flex presents report information with “eye candy” in a variety of formats including pie charts, line and bar charts depicting both agent and queue details.  The report summarizes:

  • Contact Handled
  • Average Holding Time
  • Average Speed of Answer
  • Average Call Waiting
  • Number of Abandoned
  • Percent Abandoned
  • Number of Missed Calls
  • Percent of Missed Calls
  • Talk  time
  • Queue Time
  • Number of Holds
  • Hold times
  • Longest Hold Time
  • Average Mean Opinion Score

Reporting Optional Details

After the Summary page is rendered you have the option to explore other details including a DNIS Report,  Queue Details and Agent Details all of which can be exported and delivered.

Call Quality Reporting

For the voice engineers out there, troubleshooting gets a bit easier with MOS reporting.  Calls are now tagged with a MOS score and you can now search for calls with below target scores.  This enables you to work through those complaints that we all get from time to time with no more detail than “it sounded bad”.   Pick the exact call by searching for MOS and obtain the related CDR data, makes troubleshooting complaints a bit more detailed!

Dextr Flex Revised Activity Reporting

Dextr has always had an activity screen.  If you are an Agent you see your Activity and if you are a Supervisor or Team lead you see all activity of your team members.  Previously you would bring up the activity screen and it was all listed chronologically.  Filters existed for all the usual Call Detail Records (CDR) and included dynamic segmentation by Agent, Queue, Date, Disposition Code, Direction.   Drilling down on an an Activity exposes all the related information regarding caller (contactID), queues, agent and contact attributes.

Dextr Flex enables LENS “keyword” search!

With the inclusion of Amazon Connect LENS technology in the Dextr dashboard, being able to “keyword” search the transcription became a mandate.   To enable this functionally Dextr Flex created a new “query ” language which also provides prepared queries but also enables custom searches.

Revised Activity Presentation

Dextr now expects you to set the Date, Channel and Search Criteria to pull back the Activity you are looking to review.  Selecting a search criteria enables you to quickly learn the query language.  Not selecting a search criteria beyond that of selecting a channel will bring back all the activity for that channel unfiltered, though you can then apply filters like queue and agent.

Activity Video Presentation

Dextr Flex Historical Reporting  Options

The Dextr Flex reporting engine is bundled with subscriptions of at least 10 dashboards and is available through the AWS Marketplace with a 14 day “free trial.”  Optionally you can acquire a single dashboard that provides historical reporting, holiday. schedules, real time metrics and ad hoc queue closing for a fixed annual subscription price. Dextr will report all activities since the date of the subscription.  Optionally, if you have been streaming your contact records to your own S3 using the optional Kinesis streaming,  Dextr will report on that historical activity. Dextr is available in the AWS Marketplace and has a 14 day free trial period.

Contact:  CustomerCare@Dextr.Cloud or give us a call at