Amazon Connect Configuration – Tutorial Video!

Basic Amazon Connect Configuration Guide

If you are interested in learning how to configure Amazon Connect, this guide will walk you through the complete call center configuration!  The guide will be in three parts. Part 1 will cover Basic configuration and has over 1 hour and 30 minutes of instructional content.   You can also download “DrVoIP Amazon Connect Quick Start Contact Flows” that will be used in the tutorial and will also be of assistance in the design of your own call center.

DrVoIP Amazon Connect Quick Start Tutorial Contact Flows

Amazon Connect Advanced Concepts

Part 2  below covers  Advanced configuration options including building a couple of “dialers”,  Lambda functions and DynamoDB database applications.  We will look at contact attributes and  the role they play in apple  integration.  We will also take a look at SSML for text to speech, building a “dial by name” directory.


Part 3 will continue with the Dialer overview and trouble shooting tips.


Dextr adds Global Quick Connects for Amazon Call Centers!


Dextr Quick Connects

Dextr has always had a “directory” service that enabled agents to transfer callers in and out of the Amazon Connect instance, typically to the company PBX. Dextr now makes it possible to add contacts to the Directory system that can be shared with the entire call center as a “quick connect”! Just add the contact to the Directory system and it is shared with all other agents and is automatically added to Amazon Connect as a quick connect.   Anyone that has deployed Amazon Connect knows that you have to assign quick connects for each queue.   Dextr eliminates this painful step and there is no need to log into Amazon Connect, you can create the contact right in your Dextr Agent dashboard, mark it Global and it is shared with all the Agents in the Call Center!


Dial, Transfer or Conference

All Contacts in your Directory now show up as Quick Connects when you go to transfer an active phone call.   Contacts marked as GLOBAL, are shared through the Directory system of all other agents in your Amazon Connect instance and are added to the Quick Connect list.   Contacts in your Directory can be used to call, transfer or initiate a conference call!


In addition to the “disposition codes” that can easily be configured in an Dextr Agent dashboard, each incoming call brings up a Note Pad.   The Note Pad shows all previous notes added by all agents in the call center to that caller ID.   These notes are searchable and can also be integrated to pass content to your favorite CRM.



Amazon Connect – Can Agents log in and out of individual Queues?

Agents in Multiple Queues

One of the more requested features among call center managers is to freely move Agents in and out of customer service queues!   In Amazon Connect, routing profiles associate agents with queues.  If Agent Gandalf DeGrey is a member of the Technical Support team and also a member of the Customer Service team he would most likely belong to a call profile aptly named “TechSupport&CustomerService” (Voice and Chat).

Queue Priority

Call Profiles not only associate the agent with the queues that they engage customers through, but they also enable you to set the priority of each queue.  If Gandalf is able to server both queues and both queues have callers waiting for an Agent, which caller will Gandalf be presented with when he again becomes Available?   The answer to this is based on the priority established in the routing profile for each queue in the profile.   It may be that Gandalf is particularly skilled in the area of Technical Support and it has been determined that he should answer these call request first and only handle customer service calls when the Tech Support queue is empty.   This is handled by configure the routing profile in such a way as to favor technical support callers.

Call Profile or User settings determine Priority?

So do we set the priority based on the user or in the routing profile?   The fact is that the call routing profile determines the priority of calls processed by the users configured in that call profile.  This is a powerful tool that enables a great deal of options in the configuration of call handling goals.   Contact centers are living dynamic  entities that change the level of demand by the hour, the day of the week and external events of the day!  There is not a staff for-casting solution that can cover the impact of the days events on a call center.  For that reason, we need a way to dynamically reconfigure our work force to meet the demands of the day.

Can you move an Agent between Queues?

We created the Dextr dashboard feature set to enable options that most call center managers demand.  Being able to move an agent between queues to reconfigure the call center to meet the demands of the day is most certainly an essential management tool!   The Dextr dashboard for Amazon Connect enables you to quickly reconfigure your agent pools easily with a few key strokes by those with the required permissions.    The Dextr dashboard has a user management TAB and enables you to easily move users between queues!

Creating Matching routing profiles

In this example, Gandalf  is in the “TechSupport&CustomerService” (Voice and Chat) profile that enables him to handle calls for both Technical Support and Customer Service.  Events of the day are such that we need Gandalf to service only Technical Support callers.  To enable this, there would be a Technical Support call profile that only serves callers to that queue.  Agents that are assigned to this call profile will be fully dedicated to the Technical Support Queue.

To effect this change, click the User TAB and select the agent management wants to reconfigure.



Then select the the call profile you want to assign that agent to and save your change.


The DexterDashboard enables the call centers most required features available to Contact Center supervisors.   Head over to and sign up for a free trial of 15000 minutes of usage.  Try before you buy and pay only for what you use1   Tell them DrVoIP sent you!