Amazon Connect Configuration – Tutorial Video!

Basic Amazon Connect Configuration Guide

If you are interested in learning how to configure Amazon Connect, this guide will walk you through the complete call center configuration!  The guide will be in three parts. Part 1 will cover Basic configuration and has over 1 hour and 30 minutes of instructional content.   You can also download “DrVoIP Amazon Connect Quick Start Contact Flows” that will be used in the tutorial and will also be of assistance in the design of your own call center.

DrVoIP Amazon Connect Quick Start Tutorial Contact Flows

Amazon Connect Advanced Concepts

Part 2  below covers  Advanced configuration options including building a couple of “dialers”,  Lambda functions and DynamoDB database applications.  We will look at contact attributes and  the role they play in apple  integration.  We will also take a look at SSML for text to speech, building a “dial by name” directory.


Part 3 will continue with the Dialer overview and trouble shooting tips.


Dextr adds Global Quick Connects for Amazon Call Centers!


Dextr Quick Connects

Dextr has always had a “directory” service that enabled agents to transfer callers in and out of the Amazon Connect instance, typically to the company PBX. Dextr now makes it possible to add contacts to the Directory system that can be shared with the entire call center as a “quick connect”! Just add the contact to the Directory system and it is shared with all other agents and is automatically added to Amazon Connect as a quick connect.   Anyone that has deployed Amazon Connect knows that you have to assign quick connects for each queue.   Dextr eliminates this painful step and there is no need to log into Amazon Connect, you can create the contact right in your Dextr Agent dashboard, mark it Global and it is shared with all the Agents in the Call Center!


Dial, Transfer or Conference

All Contacts in your Directory now show up as Quick Connects when you go to transfer an active phone call.   Contacts marked as GLOBAL, are shared through the Directory system of all other agents in your Amazon Connect instance and are added to the Quick Connect list.   Contacts in your Directory can be used to call, transfer or initiate a conference call!


In addition to the “disposition codes” that can easily be configured in an Dextr Agent dashboard, each incoming call brings up a Note Pad.   The Note Pad shows all previous notes added by all agents in the call center to that caller ID.   These notes are searchable and can also be integrated to pass content to your favorite CRM.



Amazon Connect – Can Agents log in and out of individual Queues?

Agents in Multiple Queues

One of the more requested features among call center managers is to freely move Agents in and out of customer service queues!   In Amazon Connect, routing profiles associate agents with queues.  If Agent Gandalf DeGrey is a member of the Technical Support team and also a member of the Customer Service team he would most likely belong to a call profile aptly named “TechSupport&CustomerService” (Voice and Chat).

Queue Priority

Call Profiles not only associate the agent with the queues that they engage customers through, but they also enable you to set the priority of each queue.  If Gandalf is able to server both queues and both queues have callers waiting for an Agent, which caller will Gandalf be presented with when he again becomes Available?   The answer to this is based on the priority established in the routing profile for each queue in the profile.   It may be that Gandalf is particularly skilled in the area of Technical Support and it has been determined that he should answer these call request first and only handle customer service calls when the Tech Support queue is empty.   This is handled by configure the routing profile in such a way as to favor technical support callers.

Call Profile or User settings determine Priority?

So do we set the priority based on the user or in the routing profile?   The fact is that the call routing profile determines the priority of calls processed by the users configured in that call profile.  This is a powerful tool that enables a great deal of options in the configuration of call handling goals.   Contact centers are living dynamic  entities that change the level of demand by the hour, the day of the week and external events of the day!  There is not a staff for-casting solution that can cover the impact of the days events on a call center.  For that reason, we need a way to dynamically reconfigure our work force to meet the demands of the day.

Can you move an Agent between Queues?

We created the Dextr dashboard feature set to enable options that most call center managers demand.  Being able to move an agent between queues to reconfigure the call center to meet the demands of the day is most certainly an essential management tool!   The Dextr dashboard for Amazon Connect enables you to quickly reconfigure your agent pools easily with a few key strokes by those with the required permissions.    The Dextr dashboard has a user management TAB and enables you to easily move users between queues!

Creating Matching routing profiles

In this example, Gandalf  is in the “TechSupport&CustomerService” (Voice and Chat) profile that enables him to handle calls for both Technical Support and Customer Service.  Events of the day are such that we need Gandalf to service only Technical Support callers.  To enable this, there would be a Technical Support call profile that only serves callers to that queue.  Agents that are assigned to this call profile will be fully dedicated to the Technical Support Queue.

To effect this change, click the User TAB and select the agent management wants to reconfigure.



Then select the the call profile you want to assign that agent to and save your change.


The DexterDashboard enables the call centers most required features available to Contact Center supervisors.   Head over to and sign up for a free trial of 15000 minutes of usage.  Try before you buy and pay only for what you use1   Tell them DrVoIP sent you!



What your home WiFi and Smartphone are telling the entire planet!

Geo-location Wifi databases?

How many of you are aware that there are maps, accessible to the public that show your street address and list the WiFi SSID you are broadcasting in your house, along with the BSSID and router type. These maps even include your cell phone “hot spot” id if you have that turned on.    Check Google and for examples.  They publish maps that show every WiFi WAP and Cell Phone tower across the glove.  You can even punch in your own BSSID (unique device ID like a Mac address) and see if you have been mapped yet.   Do you fully appreciate how much of your private information is being sucked up, stored, sold and monitored?  You can opt out of Goggles Wifi map by editing your SSID and adding “_nomap” to your broadcast name.  Now this might stop Google from publishing the info, but it does not stop them from collecting it and storing it on their servers.   Additionally, this will not stop other mapping efforts by others.

So What you don’t have my password.

Hacking your WiFi is  child’s play and a basic hacking skill known by anyone who takes an interest and studies a bit.  Hacking tool kits are available even for newbies!  Your home WiFi is broadcasting a lot of information about you that does not even require a password.  For example, without a password we can still see all the devices in your home that are connected to your Wireless Access Point (WAP).   This information will broadcast information like the MAC address ( a unique device ID) of all the devices connected to that WAP.   From the MAC address we can determine the manufacture of your device and we can see how many Samsung SmartTV’s, Ring and Arlo Camera’s, Windows or MAC computers and even what iPhone or Android Smartphones are wondering around your house.  We can see which devices are active and if we are serious stalkers we can quickly figure out who owns what device and when that device, say a smartphone, is in the house or not. (So even if you don’t post on Facebook the fact that you are taking a two week vacation, leaving your house empty, we could figure that out anyway).

There is no privacy, so get use to it.

If you think about it, most of America is walking around with a little radio transmitter in their pocket that is constantly broadcasting “here I am” to all the local cell towers.  That data is constantly being archived and sold on a subscription basis to anyone who can pay the price.   The next time you see that Google car driving down your street, understand it is taking more than pictures of your house, it is also mapping your WiFi SSID and adding that information to its database!  All the Meta data about your device and its location is archived forever and available on demand.  Here is a map that shows every cell phone in America along with a great article. 

Great overview of Cell Phone Tracking and mapping


Patriot Act Renewed by Congress

Despite the warnings of folks like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange,  while we were all preoccupied with the current DC side show, the Patriot Act was renewed maintaining the governments ability to secretly spy on you.  Remember if it is free, you are not a customer, you are the product!

Amazon Connect & Dextr now support Chat

Dextr Website Chat Integration

The ability to integrate your Company Website with your call center is a powerful customer experience management tool.  Being able to integrate your website with a ChatBot is even more powerful, but imagine the power of being able to escalate a chat session to a voice call!  Now that is a truly powerful customer engagement strategy and now a standard Amazon Connect Call Center feature.

Features of Amazon Connect Chat

The Chat functionality enables you to reuse the very same contact flows that you established for a voice call or you can create new contact flows that are chat specific.  This significantly reduces the deployment time.  A “Play prompt” step, for example, that would normally be spoken to a caller, is now pushed out as a chat message.   Chats are persistent and given the asynchronous nature of these interactions, responses can be anytime over a 25 hour period.    Let us assume you have a chat session with a client who asks a question about your product or service and the agent asks a follow  up question to clarify the customers enquiry.  Maybe the customer has to go find the answer form another team member and does not reply for an hour.   The Agent might disconnect, but if the customer continues the chat session later, a new session will be created with the entire chat history  and transfered to a new agent.  It is possible also to send the chat back to the same agent, but assuming that agent is no longer available, the entire chat history is made available to a new agent.


The Dextr Dashboard implementation

Dextr now includes the Chat engagement option as part of its standard desktop agent offering and the Engage tab now shows Phone, SMS, Email and Chat!   Dextr also adds Chat to its activity screen adding a new icon and a READ button.  The Activity page now notes the chat details including the appropriate metrics.  A supervisor or agent with the proper permissions can also bring back the entire chat history, by hitting the READ button, in a manner similar to how Dextr brings back a recorded phone call!

Dextr is a subscription based portal in which, if you have an existing Amazon Connect call center, you can be driving a Dextr dashboard in less than 15 minutes!   If you don’t have a Dextr dashboard, we will be happy to create one for you!  Ask DrVoIP about our Dextr Contact Center Managed Service Solution in which we provide an  Amazon Connect Call Center for your enterprise, with no money down, no contracts and pay only for what you use!   We take care of everything from deign, through setup, training, “go live”, on going technical support and a Dextr Dashboard for every agent at a nominal per connected minute, exclusive of telephone carrier charges!





Amazon Connect Deep Call Back Option! – a lesson in Contact Attributes

The Call Back Dilemma !

It is now common place to hear an option while you are on hold in a call center that suggests “If you would like to arrange a call back when an agent is available, press 1 or continue to hold for the next available agent”.    The caller can then enter a phone number, hand up and when an agent becomes available, the system first connects the agent and the places and outbound call to the phone number that requested the call back.  This all works well except when the number entered is the main switch board number at the company that the caller works in.  The receptionist answers the inbound call and says “how can I route your call” and the agent has no clue who in the company requested the call back.

Here is one Solution!

During the call back process, in our contact flows, we ask the caller to enter the number they want us to call them back at.   We read back the number to them and offer them an opportunity to re-enter the phone number if it was incorrectly entered.  We then follow with a prompt that says “if the number you entered was the main number of the company you work for, please enter the phone number of the extension we should ask for when we return your call.  if there is no extension number please press #”.   We store the extension number as a contact attribute which is saved with the contract trace record.  You can even select contact search in the real time metrics of your Amazon Connect dashboard and verify that this attribute is in fact saved with the the contact ID record.

Default Outbound Contact Flow

There is a default outbound contact flow in all Amazon Connect instances and you can modify and “save as”  or use it as you desire.  The trick is to create an outbound prompt that plays  a prompt that says “This is a return call from DrVoIP office as requested by someone in your company.  That person is located at <extensionNumber> so please transfer this call to that extension as an agent will now join the conference”.  In this way the receptionist is alerted to how the call should be routed and we have no accomplished what we call “deep call back”.



In this example we check the contact attributes to see if <extension number> starts with # which would indicate there is no extension number. For this reason we want to play a different prompt “this is the call back you request from DrVoIP technical support”.

Options to Improve the experience for the Agent

There is a default Agent Whisper Contact flow that is regularly used in an Amazon Connect call center to let the agent know what Queue Name the caller hit!  Agents who are part of multiple queues find this very helpful.  This contact flow can be modified to play the contact attribute <extension number> when an outbound call is connected.    Optionally, you can present the <extension number> in the agent desktop as a text field.


The configuration of contact attributes in the  Amazon Connect solution is a very powerful tool and can be used to solve a lot of customized challenges!  Give us a call if we can help you set this up! –







Amazon Connect – A Voice Mail Solution!

What no Voice Mail?

One of the surprises you get when working with Amazon Connect is the fact that, out of the box, there is no voice messaging capability.   However, given the rich library of services available in the AWS ecosystem, you can most certainly configure a solution that will get the job done!    Amazon Connect has built in recording capabilities and both logs and recordings are saved in an S3 bucket, so it would seem that the basic ingredients are there for configuring a voice messaging function.   Lets take a look at several different ways of implementing this functionality without breaking the bank in professional software development services!

Option 1 – High Voice Message Feature Content with Transcription, Email and SMS delivery options

This Voice Mail service is built on several AWS services but is rich in features and functionality:

  • Each Agent will have their own Extension number
    • This enables folks to leave a voice message for a particular Agent;
  • Voice Messages can be Transcribed and Encrypted;
  • Voice messages can be emailed or sent as an SMS (Text) message;
  • We create a Web Interface to administer voice mail options (i.e. set agent extension number, delivery options

There is an additional AWS cost as the solution will make use of Lambda Functions, DynamoDB, SES, SNS, Cognito and CloudFormation AWS Service options.   Amazon estimates that this will have a cost of approximately .03 cents per voice message.

We offer several configuration Options:

  1. A separate phone number that is used for this function exclusively.   Caller dials the VM number and is asked to enter the extension number of the Agent (we could also create a spell by name option).  The system will then attempt to send the call to the Agent and failing to connect with the Agent, the system will take a voice message for that agent and deliver it based on the options set by the administrator.  Delivery options are email or SMS.  The message can be sent as a WAV file or it can be transcribed to text.
  2. Continue to use your normal call flow and set one agent (or create a fake agent) to accept messages for the Queue they are a part of.  During the period in which the caller is holding in queue for the next available agent, as they might now do, they are offered the usual options, expect we replace the option to leave a voice message that you currently now transfer out of the system, to the agent nominated for queue mail.  Clearly the email address could also be an email address of a distribution group so the message goes to many others.
  3. LEX speech recognition “dial by name”.  The problem with extension numbers, is that callers will need to know them or you will  have to create a directory system.   Enabling “thanks for calling I can route your call in you speak the name of a team member or a function like sales” is way more impressive and provides a much better customer experience.

We offer a flat fee deployment option of $395  ($595 with dial by name option) to existing clients.    We will need AWS Management User Access with a User that has System Administration permissions as we have to access all of the AWS service above to configure the solution.

Option 2 Cheap and Quick: The Basic Recipe

We configure a Voice Messaging solution for call center queues very easily using the following formula:

1 – First Create a Queue with a creative name like Voice Messages!

2 – Second Create a Customer Whisper Function to act as the front end greeting for your voice mail box.

The Whisper function is going to provide your mailbox greeting and even the Beep!  This Whisper, set to play to the customer (rather than the agent) is played to the caller as they are connected to the Agent user.

3 – Third Create a User with an appropriate name like VoiceMail-Sales.

We want the user to be assigned a routing profile that contains only the VoiceMail Queue!  Also note that the User MUST be set to Auto-answer as this is the key to making this work the way we want it to work!

4 – Lastly, create a contact flow to integrate the above into a simple, but workable voice messaging system.


The contact flow can be very simple or you can make it a more complex by adding options like return to main menu!  The goal  however is to offer the option to leave a voice message or route a caller to voice mail if the caller arrives after hours.  Nothing to sophisticated here.   We set the Recording behavior to record both the caller and the agent.  We then set the Whisper flow, the Queue and then transfer the caller to the queue.  The queue will contain only one User in this example, but if you anticipate a lot of traffic, you could actually create multiple users with the same basic configuration essentially creating multiple voice mail boxes.   You can also create different users and voice message queues to accommodate various different queues.

The caller will be transferred to the VoiceMessage Queue which will then select the only User in that Queue, who is logged on and available.  This user was setup was setup with “auto-answer” so the behavior is to answer the call, play the Whisper to the caller as they connect to the Agent.  The Whisper contains the prompt “Sorry we are not here to answer your call but at the Beep please leave your voice message and we will follow up first thing next business day.  BEEP”.

The caller will then speak to the “agent” and the conversation will be recorded and saved to your designated S3 bucket!

Retrieving Voice Messages

The basic tools available to you  for retrieving your voice messages require a minimum permission of Call CenterQuality Analyst or Manager, as you may not want to make users Administrators!  Just log into the Amazon Connect dashboard and head over to Metrics and Quality and then select Contact Search.  Here you can set up a number of filters. For example we can search for the VoiceMail Agent configured above and also set the date range of interest, typically Yesterday!   This will bring up all the contacts handled by that agent and you can then hit the playback button under the Recording column.

Variations on a Theme

One of the user interfaces that makes this strategy a bit more useable is to use the Dextr.Cloud Dashboard.  The Dextr dashboard has an Activity screen that enables a Supervisor or Agent with the proper permission, to sort by Agent.  Then the playback button is right in the Dextr dashboard and there is no need to sign into the Amazon Connect dashboard to play back recordings.


We are struggling to find things we can’t do in an Amazon Connect contact center instance!   The rich library of AWS services makes it possible to solve any call center goal you might development you might define as a requirement. If you can imagine it you can make it happen!  Then again, you can always call on us and we can do it for you! –




Amazon Connect – Is today a Holiday?

Is Today A Holiday?

Having deployed hundreds of CISCO UCCX and ShoreTel ECC and other Contact Centers, checking to see if today is a holiday seemed to be the “minimum daily adult requirement” for contact center management.  In fact one of the most popular scripts on the net for CISCO UCCX was named “HolidayCheck”!    In fact we used this script to provide an XML tutorial  on the DrVoIP YouTube channel.  Checking a list of holidays to deal with periodic contact center closings is usually a standard feature in most call center applications and telephone systems.

Amazon Connect, however, does not provide a “holiday check” out of the box!   If you want one, like many other features in Amazon Connect you are going to have to create it by writing your own function.  The good news is that the wealth of services in AWS makes this a very simple task using nothing more than a Lambda function!

Contact Flow – Invoke Lambda

An Amazon Connect contact flow would do the normal “check hours” to figure out if the caller was hitting the system during “on hours” or “off hours”.  If the call arrived during normal business hours, then the next step would be to check and see if today was a holiday.    The contact flow adds a simple “invokeLambda” function to make this determination. To simplify the lambda function, we include the list of holiday’s as an object array within the environmental variables.

We determined to create a simple lambda holiday check function using the fewest lines of Node.js code as possible!  In fact there is no need to invoke the function by passing in a date.  You simply invoke lambda and it uses the javascript date() function to parse through your list of holidays comparing todays date with the individual list items.   What we want returned is a simple “true” if today is in fact a “holiday”; or a “false” if today is not a holiday!  Very simple!   The branch step in your contact flow will be based on this simple boolean value returned from lambda.

Improving the function

Now that we know if “today is a holiday” we have the basics in place.   Improving the function has endless possibilities.  For example:

The basic function assumes a full day closure.  What about half days.

It would also be desirable to have an ability to play a custom audio prompt based on the specific holiday closure.

Clearly you can make the administrative interface much more acceptable to a call center supervisor while eliminating the need to let non-development professionals access the AWS Console.  In the basic function, updating the holiday schedule would require folks be able to access the lambda functions directly to update the environmental variables.    Creating an S3 bucket as a static website host, with a simple HTML interface to enable system administrators to update the holiday list from year to year would be an obvious improvement.   This option would open the door to allowing supervisors to close a queue for a team meeting.


Amazon Connect is an element of a very large ecosystem in which the available services enable you to create a contact center that can meet your wildest imagination!   If you can “see it”  you can make it happen!  Optionally, you can call on DrVoIP and we will make it happen for you!

The Lambda Function is available here.

The function is written in Node.js and is built out using the Serverless framework which you will need to make use of, to deploy the function in your own Amazon Portal:

First you have to configure an AWS CLI profile in order to deploy here is steps to configure it:
step 1: Open terminal
step 2: Execute command “aws configure –profile <profileName>” it will ask for input key id, access key, and region
Next here is steps to deploy service:
step 1: Open terminal
step 2: Get to project root directory
step 3: Execute command “serverless deploy –aws-profile <profileName>”





DrVoIP Amazon Connect Tech Tip – LEX Bot Versions!

Well, it is the 21st century and though we still drag around fax machines, we do seem to be getting away from Touch Tone Call Tree IVR systems!  Really, are you not tired of “Press 1 for this and Press 2 for that”?   I know I am at every opportunity to replace a DTMF IVR with a speech recognition I jump on it!  “Thanks for calling how can I route your call” is a lot more like what you would imagine we would have in the era of Artificial Intelligence and natural language speech processing.   Thanks to the ever expanding ecosystem found in the AWS, we can add this technology to an Amazon Connect Call Center with ease and economy.  Long gone are the outrageous “per-port” license fees historically charged for speech recognition technology.

We have other tutorials on our YouTube Channel that deal with configuration of LEX, the AWS speech recognition capable BOT!   In this tech tip we review the process of “versioning” you LEX bot and we explore the concept of “Alias” publications.  This is often a misunderstood concept and hopefully this tutorial will help eliminate or reduce the mystery of this subject matter!    Keep those cards and letters coming –


Facebook Marketplace Ebay Scam!

The Famous Facebook Marketplace Scam!

It seems that some folks on the planet have nothing better to do than figure out new and exciting ways to scam the unsuspecting!   One of the more novel approaches we have seen is the Facebook Marketplace scam!  This scam starts out harmlessly as a vehicle sale on the Facebook Marketplace.  You see an advertisement of the great Mercedes -Benz Sprinter camper that you have been interested in and at an unbelievable price (clue 1)!  You send a message through the Facebook Marketplace to the seller expressing your interest in coming to see the vehicle.   This is followed up a day or two later (clue 2) with a very nice email from the seller suggesting that you should get your financing in place as this vehicle is priced for a quick sale.

You write back that you are a cash buyer and want to see the vehicle.   This time you get a heart breaking email back saying the seller is in the Armed Services and is about to ship out so they have placed the vehicle with Ebay Motors for your protection

I am active duty Military!

Hello, I’m serving in Sioux City Air National Guard Base ( ANGB ), IA but soon our unit will be sent back oversea to replace and help the troops scheduled to come home, so I don’t need it anymore at this time. This is the reason why I left the RV stored with all the paperwork at the eBay Motors in Sioux City, IA ready to be delivered. I have signed a contract with eBay to take care of the selling on my behalf. I want to use their escrow and transport services as they offer 100% protection and insurance to both buyers and sellers.

“The deal includes free delivery and it will arrive at your address in 3-5 days, depending on the exact location. You will have 5 days to try out prior to making any purchase and if by any reason you find something you don’t like about it you can send it back at my expense (but I am sure you will love it and you will not be disappointed). If you are interested in knowing more info about how it works, I can ask eBay to send you an email with more information on how to purchase it. eBay will contact you shortly after they have the details with all the confirmation that you need to complete this deal and you will also have proof that I am covered by them and a legitimate seller. If you would like to receive the email from eBay with all the transaction information please reply with your full name, shipping address and phone # and they will contact you right away.”

Look the email is really from Ebay!

If you now send your name and address you will in fact get an invoice.  The invoice looks real enough and to the untutored eye, it would be very easy to be taken in!  After all the reply to address is Ebay!
From: eBay™ <>
Date: Monday, August 19, 2019 at 1:18 PM
Subject: Your Invoice for 2014 Leisure Travel Unity Murphy Bed Order# 233573853682 – Review and pay!
Thank you for using eBay! 

The next step is to pay for your item. Check out and pay to get your item as soon as possible.

Dear <unsuspecting buyer name here>

You are receiving this email because the seller (Tammy Schick) has registered you as a
potential buyer for the vehicle
2014 Leisure Travel Unity Murphy Bed.
Your Invoice is attached to this email. Please follow the enclosed payment instructions.
After carefully review the information, please contact our Customer Support Department at 
+1 (818) 275-7842 in order to confirm and approve your payment.
Thank you for using eBay for your Order!

Check the “WHOIS” Domain Ownership

If you are careful and you call the phone number in the email, you will actually get someone who claims to be Ebay motors customer service.    If you take the time to go to the WHOIS directory and look up the ownership of the domain name  you might notice that the domain is owned by someone other than Ebay!

WHOIS search results

Registry Domain ID: 2418304121_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2019-07-30T12:44:30Z
Creation Date: 2019-07-30T12:44:24Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2020-07-30T12:44:24Z
Registrar: Tucows Domains Inc.
Registrar IANA ID: 69
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone:
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited
DNSSEC: unsigned
URL of the ICANN Whois Inaccuracy Complaint Form:
>>> Last update of whois database: 2019-08-19T23:29:23Z <<<

Is Facebook complacent?  Does Google really know everything?

At the end of the day -remember what  you parents taught you: “If it looks to good to be true, it is to good to be true”.     You have to pay careful attention when you are buying stuff on the internet!

How can Tucows a major domain registration agency sell someone a domain name that is a clear trademark infringement and is clearly part of a phishing exhibition!  importantly, if Facebook and Google have this great ability to know everything about everybody, why is it that they do not know about this scam?  Why has this ad and others like it been running on the Marketplace for months and as near as I can see, it is still running.   The scammers are actually paying for an advertisement on Facebook?  Unbelievable!   Click on the ad and you will update Facebooks database as to what your interests are so they can sell more targeted advertising!